A is for ant

Hit my 2 week mark here this past Thursday night! Hard to believe, it seems like it has been a lot longer but also it has gone by so fast. We had another really great week visiting families in the village, teaching classes at the school, playing soccer, watching movies, trying new foods, braiding hair, doing chores, playing games, drinking ice coffee, building relationships, growing in our faith in God and love for each other.

Lots of bonding going on, it's really amazing to watch and be a part of. The days start early and end late but I go to bed with a full heart every night.

The more I learn about the school, the more amazed I am by how much God is doing in and through it. I'm just blown away by the love the teachers have for the students, and the sacrifices they make to ensure these children are learning and progressing. The public school system is so corrupt in Cambodia that many people pay their way through passing, without truly learning what they should know before moving up to the next grade. They do this to create the illusion that the schools have a good "passing" rate which secures more financial resources from other countries but it is totally a false representation of what is really happening in the classrooms.

Some kids make it all the way through without ever learning the basics of how to read and write.

Ream told me something a few days ago that I thought was really cool. She said that kids show up to the gate of the school every day wanting to become students there but the classes are so full right now they have to turn them away. And for a while that's all they were doing with the surplus of kids here desperately needing education.

That is how "The Helping Class" began. The Helping Class meets in one of the larger school classrooms, and it's for kids that are between the ages of 6-18 who arrive not even knowing the alphabet or numbers. They go from knowing nothing to learning basic arithmetic and how to read and write.

Ream shared that the kids are typically able to catch up and get to grade level pretty quickly and the younger ones are usually able to become students here, but the 10th-12th grade age kids are usually placed in another school because those classes are the most full at A Heart For Wisdom School {{AHFW}}.

Equipping these students with the basic life skills of knowing how to read, write and do simple math is a game-changer.  It gives them hope of a future they didn't even know was possible. I just thought that was so incredible.

Every time Kit or Ream and I talk about the school, I see this flame flicker in their eyes-- they have such a passion for these kids and for giving them a good education. They have witnessed lives truly changing as a result of giving them HOPE- both tangible {{their education}} and eternal {{introducing them to Jesus}}.

It's easy to fall in to the trap of being so overwhelmed with the needs of a community like this that the value of helping one gets buried by the burden of not being able to help all of them.

But the staff and faculty at AHFW are focused on the big picture. They value the education of every child because they have seen over and over again the impact one of them can make on their family, which in turn impacts their neighborhood and the rest of the community.

The love for learning and for Jesus these kids are cultivating at the school impacts them at home too. When we go and talk to their parents in the village, we hear them say that the kids are kinder, more helpful and disciplined now then before they became students at A Heart For Wisdom School.


This week I got to help out with an English class one day and PE class another day. I feel like I am getting into a bit more of a routine between tutoring the Carson kids and being the school nurse. And I really am loving all of it. I get one-on-one time with students in the office and am able to ask them questions about needs at home too, and hopefully give them a little education they can take back and share with their families.

I would love to have a "Health Fair" some time in the next month or so, and go over basic hygiene concepts with the kids and send them all home with soap and toothbrushes, etc. {{If anyone is interested in donating funds for that, let me know!}}.

This past weekend we went on a day trip to a little "resort" type area called The Palm Tree Village. Basically a lot of huts and bungalows people rent out for a week or weekend get-away. There's a cafe and market there too. We sprawled out around the low tables and played games and laughed and talked for a couple hours. For lunch, we enjoyed some local delicacies which included coconut cakes, crab, spicy bamboo, rice, curried snail and...ants.

Yes people, I ate ants this week. Later I asked one of the bible college girls if she tried the ants and she said no. Disappointed, I said "When are you gonna have the chance to eat ants again?!" And she said "Hopefully never." So funny ;) When in Cambodia...

Everything was actually pretty good, even the tasty little fellas with six legs. But one spoonful was sufficient, I think I'm good in the bug-eating department now.

Afterwards we drove another twenty minutes to a lake and had a fun afternoon of swimming, rafting, floating in inter tubes or napping in hammocks in the little huts on stilts in the water. Women canoed up to us selling watermelons from their floating shops. It was relaxing and just nice to see everyone enjoying each other.

Sunday was great too. Lots of good one-on-one conversations with the students and kids, I have really loved getting to know them all. The bible college team has been an incredible blessing here as well. Such gifted and amazing people in this group! We have folks here from so many walks of life and with so many interests, they have been able to pour into these kids in an awesome variety of practical ways. Everything from math to farming to cooking to playing keyboard to artwork. It's been a beautiful reminder of how diverse the body of Christ is and differently and uniquely He has wired all of us for a specific purpose and reason.

In case you need the reminder, none of the things that make you YOU are by accident. Every part of you is brimming with potential, even the things you can't imagine God ever being able to use, I promise you, He can, and He wants to and someone out there is going to be blessed by it. Just start serving, make yourself available and be willing to let Him use you! Feeling qualified is not a prerequisite. If I waited until I felt competent enough, I don't think I would ever do anything!

Just go for it. His grace really is enough. Where we lack, He is abundant.

I think I'll end on that note. I'm so thankful to be here, I feel a little more sure every day that this is exactly where I am supposed to be right now. THANK YOU dear friends, for your love, support and prayers across the miles. They are making a big difference! Please keep them coming! Everyone's health has had some ups and downs this week, thankfully nothing super serious, but several people have had some skin issues, fevers, stomach discomfort, and stuff like that. As you pray, please include Kit and Ream as well, they have been faithfully investing here for a looong time, and I know they could use the encouragement and reminder that they are not alone!

It's a blast and I'm loving being here, but I don't want to paint an overly-glamorous picture for everyone back home. What Kit and Ream are doing is hard work, and exactly like Jesus said, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray that God will provide additional staff for the orphanage and the school, but until then that He would give them the grace, wisdom and endurance they need to keep running this lifelong marathon.

Much love to all!

[below] two of the BC students, Abby and Austin, teaching an English lesson to one of the 6th grade classes

[below] the lake & the lake houses, one of the coolest things i've experienced here.

[above] our smorgasbord of ants, snails, and crabs!

[above] a few masterpieces were created yesterday

[below] being the school nurse means lots of hugs all day

[below] some of the BC students and I exploring the palm village. i absolutely love them!

 [above] Samnang showed me the ropes in taking care of the rabbits.

[below] chilling at the palm tree village {{we are all slightly obsessed with the style of these tables and just laying around them, america needs to make sharing meals great again}}

 [above] I love my LyLy! She's an amazing artist & little mama to the younger kids.

[below] the super fast and competitive game of "Spot It" has been a big hit here, so glad it made it into my suit case!

[above] Sweet Samnang is 9 years old and she is remarkably smart, competitive, silly and strong.


  1. This:

    "In case you need the reminder, none of the things that make you YOU are by accident. Every part of you is brimming with potential, even the things you can't imagine God ever being able to use, I promise you, He can, and He wants to and someone out there is going to be blessed by it. Just start serving, make yourself available and be willing to let Him use you! Feeling qualified is not a prerequisite. If I waited until I felt competent enough, I don't think I would ever do anything!

    Just go for it. His grace really is enough. Where we lack, He is abundant."

    So good. It's great read/see what the Lord is doing in, and through you, Heather. Such an exciting time. <3 I laughed when you were asking you friend about eating ants...I could hear you in my mind.

    1. Thanks Tara!!! <3 i laughed imagining your laugh haha ;) love you!

  2. Hey! How can we get stuff to you that you might need? Maybe Hygiene items for the kids you mentioned etc.? The Eggers would love to help out if possible!

  3. Ants!!! Ewww!! I could never.. I loved this post and was really moved by this, I needed that reassurance. I am praying for you!

    1. thanks for the prayers McKinsay! i love you girl! i think about you all the time!!! i need an update on your life! xoxo


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