Take Me to Takeo

I've only been in Cambodia for 3 nights, but I think it's safe to say I'm falling in love.

The reality of actually being here is still sinking in. Back in January, when my dear friend first told me about the amazing ministry taking place here, I felt this little flicker in my heart. Nothing dramatic or super spiritual about it, it wasn't even a strong emotion; it just felt like my heart paused for a "hmm" moment and everything she was describing was resonating with me in a way I couldn't fully understand or explain.

It wasn't long before the flicker grew into a flame and I couldn't stop thinking about Cambodia. Even being on a short-term medical trip to Haiti in February, it was hard to shake this feeling of being so drawn to a place I had never been to and people I had never met. After a good amount of thinking, prayer, several emails and a Skype chat with the Carsons (the married couple that run the orphanage and school) I found myself buying a plane ticket.

And then things got real.

For the last 4 months I have been praying for these people and looking forward to the friendships we will share. I just want to soak it all up. The smiles of the village people, the tropical lush vegetation that surrounds us, the constant buzzing of insects and singing of birds, the sweat and dirt that is hardly even noticed after the first 24 hours, the hard, simple and good way of life here. Excited for all the ways I will grow and things I will learn.

The adventure is only just beginning...

[above] last night's sunset from the side yard swings. no filter needed, obvi.

[below] me & Adah (one of the Carson kids) spent this morning coloring & painting our nails. she is as funny as she is fierce, i have already laughed so much with her.

[below] the front entry to A Greater Hope Orphanage (AGHO). who knows how many thousands of lives have been touched coming through in & out of this gate for the past decade.


  1. I'm more and more excited about everything just reading this. Praying for your time there as you touch each other's lives and always amazed about how the Lord works His will in our hearts. Lots of love to you from Lynne and John!

    1. thanks Lynne! your prayers mean so much! xoxo <3

  2. This is so great!! Can't wait to hear all your amazing stories. Love you so much my friend ❤️ Praying for you


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